Askalon och Ringhals på utbildning i Cernay

Custom made education in France

Askalon has recently sold valve diagnostic equipment to Ringhals nuclear power plant. As this equipment is new and plays a central part in Ringhal's outtages, training on it was also ordered. Askalon customized one in Alsace, France.

The equipment that Ringhals have bought is Fisher QUIKLOOK FS-3. It is specially adapted for nuclear power and replaces the previous FlowScanner valve diagnostic equipment.

- When Ringhals asked about QUIKLOOK education, they also asked if we could plan a course in Fisher's valve type Vee-Ball at the same time, says Askalon's key account manager for nuclear Mats Görrel.

Ringhals and Mats came to the conclusion that the best solution was to combine both trainings during one week in Emerson's education center Cernay located in Alsace, France.

- Emerson's Kevin Schurhammer and I organized a customized training week that included both Vee-Ball and QUIKLOOk training. Together with six service technicians from Ringhals, I went to Alsace for a one-week course in the first week of October, says Mats.

After a couple of days in Cernay, Askalon's diagnostics expert Frank Beckius also joined. During the week, the participants had to alternate between theory and practice. User interface, valve tags and connecting the equipment to the valve started the training.

- It was about understanding and learning the equipment itself and how it is connected to the valve and its instruments. After that, the most difficult, but also fun part of the training began. The valves and instruments were rearranged and the participants were to get them back in order with the help of QUIKLOOK. There was a lot of laughter and sometimes lively discussions. These exercises were done several times, which meant that the participants had to test many different problems.

When the week was over, the training was rated very highly by the participants.

- They were very satisfied with the training they received on both the Vee-ball valves and QUIKLOOK.


Ringhals och Askalon på utbildning