A partnership you can benefit from
There’s something going on in the Swedish and Danish valve markets: The German VAG-Group has entered into a partnership with Askalon AB.
- We are very happy to supplement our valve program, says Askalon CEO Mats Warnqvist.
VAG-Group and Askalon have started a collaboration, which means that Askalon is the Swedish and Danish supplier of the German valves. VAG-Group creates products for the water and sewage industry - for all projects in water and sewage, such as hydroelectric power plants, dams and industries. Today, VAG is involved in projects on all continents; from dust projects in Argentina and fire extinguishing at German airports to make it possible for millions of pilgrims to access water in Indian Tirumala Temple.
Two strong, leading market players at the manufacturing and distribution levels ensure the range and availability of products for your projects in the water and wastewater area and also for applications in dams and industry. For you as a customer based in this region it will be even easier in the future to provide yourself with premium-quality valves in good time.
- We are pleased to have won such a strong partner and are happy that you as our customers in Sweden and Denmark now have the proven VAG quality easily available and within reach, says Regional Manager Benjamin Scherb.
Askalon AB operates 6 offices in Sweden & Denmark, which is why nearness is no coincidence and consultation, sales and after-sales service are literally at your fingertips. VAG valves are offered and sold here for all sorts of applications in water distribution and treatment, in power plants or hydropower stations – even directly and complete with pipelines, actuators and measuring devices, if required. But what the partnership has to offer goes much further than this: Askalon AB has in-depth engineering and industrial expertise available which you can make use of from planning to design up to commissioning.
It is very much thanks to the acquisition of Erichs Armatur that Askalon has gained the trust of VAG.
- We have long been interested in this, and thanks to the acquisition, we have gained expertise and experience from the VA business, says Mats Warnqvist.
The collaboration means that Askalon can offer its services to more segments and increase its offering to the existing customers in the industry.
- There is a large pent-up need for rejuvenation and construction within the Swedish and Danish infrastructure for water supply, and we now have the opportunity to be active there.