Valve service

With Askalon, you have a reliable service partner throughout your project. We have an organization that is there for you, from start to finish. You get a partner with great competence and who has solutions that are adapted to your needs and problems. We want to make your life easier and that you will succeed. Together we make your processes stable, we eliminate problems in daily operations, to secure the business and simplify your situation. We are here for you, both in emergency situations and in everyday life.

We offer the process industry a secure collaboration around service and maintenance of valves, both on site and in one of our workshops. We service control valves, safety valves and shut-off valves, positioners, actuators, regulators and more. Askalon is the only company authorized to service Emerson valves in Sweden, Finland and Denmark.

Valve service starts with diagnostics

Valve diagnostics determines whether you need to disassemble the valve for renovation in a workshop or if it is possible to do the work with the valve in the pipe. Diagnostics is a prerequisite for assessing the condition of the valves so that an optimal valve service can be performed. We help you build systems and routines for analyzing the status of valves and rotating equipment, and prevent unnecessary problems through inspections.

There are big savings to be made, both in time and money​.